The Process, Step 5: Meet The Government – Again (Full Details)
Getting residency in Paraguay, Step 5: Everything you need to know, and everything you can expect

This stage is basically the same as Step 3 (Meet The Government), in terms of what you actually need to do - show up in person to a couple of different government offices, have your fingerprints taken again, have some photographs taken again, and do a few signatures again on various documents and digital scanners.

The actual offices are different (they're different government departments than those you visit in Step 3, and are in different locations), the paperwork involves different forms etc, but it's basically the same experience for you. If you're wondering why you need to repeat things you've already done before, the answer is "because the law says this is the process", and therefore these things need to be done again.

Just like before, we will make sure this all happens on the same day, and just like before, we will take care of all the paperwork requirements, pay the fees, collect the receipts, and generally make everything easy for you, and easy for the government officials involved with issuing your Cedula.

The offices you will need to visit are located in Downtown Asuncion, and secondly near Villa Morra. Generally speaking, these are a 15-20 minute Uber or taxi ride away from each other, and you can expect the cost to be approximately $3 to $4 (USD) for the ride.

As before, you can expect to be finished by mid-afternoon, after starting mid-morning.

As before, there are no additional costs for anything other than your own transport to the government offices - all government fees, public notary fees, photocopying fees, and our fee, is already included in the $1,450 you pay at the start of the process.


We will prepare everything needed, meet you at the government offices, make sure everything you need to do in person is completed quickly and correctly, so that you can get all of this done in just one day. You will then just need to wait for approximately two weeks to get to Step 6: Get Cedula, And Everything Else.